_idthe default approver for this user. If not set it will inherit the approver from the department
avatarthe id for the user avatar/image
the department this user belongs to
email used for authentication. On update, a verification email will be sent to the new address
an optional custom identifier for the user
the region used to determine the translated names of the holidays. Seperation to region needed when setting to custom.
the actual holidays this user has assigned
the region used to rectrieve the holidays for this user. eg. "de-by"
ics link for viewing absences in external applications, prefix?:
indicates if holidays are to be inherited from the location
if the user is only of role User, this field enables him to be set as an approver. If this is set to false for Owner,HR, Admin then these users will not appear in the approver selection combos. Technically they can still approve.
the language the UI will be displayed in
the location this user belongs to
namefirst and last name concatentated for your convenience
comment field on the user
the role assigned to the user
the role of this user
the status of the user
array of team ids this user belongs to
the current default vaction days for this user. if not specified on creation, the companys default vactaionDays will be set.
defines the working days for the user. see below for details
unique identifier